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dig-dug led polarity

Started by cjkbug, September 06, 2011, 07:34:37 PM

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I'm getting ready to start a dig-dug build and I noticed some thing weird. I'm using a hand etched board and the single sided layout and the one at the top of the build docs have the square pads of all the leds on  the daughter board reversed from each other. am I seeing things wrong? witch pad does the long lead go into. the square pad or the round. is there and update I'm missing. I just need some clarification to avoid a bunch of desoldering later on. would someone with a working build please chime in.
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


According to the schematic the cathode of all the leds goes to r25, so it appears the flat end goes to the round pad. I don't think the two pcb's are different, the daughter pcb of the second layout is just upside down, took me a while to see that  :)
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Quote from: cjkbug on September 06, 2011, 07:34:37 PM
I'm getting ready to start a dig-dug build and I noticed some thing weird. I'm using a hand etched board and the single sided layout and the one at the top of the build docs have the square pads of all the leds on  the daughter board reversed from each other. am I seeing things wrong? witch pad does the long lead go into. the square pad or the round. is there and update I'm missing. I just need some clarification to avoid a bunch of desoldering later on. would someone with a working build please chime in.

I had to reverse the LEDs on my dig dug build.
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