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Hello from Vermont

Started by Boiledbeer, September 06, 2016, 01:31:39 PM

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  I just wanted to introduce myself before I start asking all sorts of silly questions.  My name is Aaron, I've been playing guitar for about 20 years.  I've been interested in doing a few builds for a few years now but just never got around to it.  However!, I discovered last winter (I've been in Vermont just over a year) that a Northern Winter is chilly and lacking in sunshine.  Since I don't know how to ski, I thought I might start looking into putting together a few of these pedals.  Anyway, I look forward to meeting people and I hope I'm able to pick up on the process of assembling a pedal. 



Welcome Aaron!

Greetings from Just over the lake in Plattsburgh!


Welcome fellow New England-er! I'm in Massachusetts. You've come to the right place to learn things from intelligent people!



Thank you for the welcome, fellows.  I bought a couple of board from the site a year or so back and I'm going to start with those.  The first one will be the pastyface tonebender clone.  I have some of the components, but when I moved I wasn't able to bring all of stuff (stuff mostly being parts I have taken from other devices).  So my first question has to do with getting parts online.  Is there a site you can recommend where I can order only what I need for the pedal without getting a lot of repeat parts? Are there certain components that I should order spares of?  Any other advice? 

I have good bit of soldering and mild repair experience but have never attempted a build of any kind.  My plan is to populate my board with all the components and then solder them in.  I have seen the test boxes that enable you to test a circuit, and components, prior to populating and soldering to the board but I'm not sure how to use that.  I mean, I don't understand how to read the schematic that shows the current's path through each component.  So I'm not sure how to determine how each piece should be placed in such a board.  I guess you could say I'm pretty green at this stuff.   ;D  Anyway, If people here are willing to be patient with me and offer advice, I will endeavor to persevere.   


There seem to be more and more sites popping up with pedal building components. I highly recommend Paul's (chromesphere) store.

Yes he is in austrailia but shipping is typically quick to me (I live in MA) and his parts are always the real deal. Plus his hook up wire is fantastic! He stocks just about everything you will need to get the board built.

For the enclosure you can go to a few different places. I almost strictly use Bitches Love My Switches. They sell switches, knobs, enclosures, jacks, and other fun stuff.

If you want a painted / drilled enclosure you could go to Pedal Parts Plus. They have a large stock of great products.

If you need a couple of random things feel free to post in the "parts jar" section of this forum. I've used it a bunch especially if I forget to order something, which happens more than I would like to admit...

Don't be afraid to ask for help, especially here. Everyone here is super helpful and very generous. We all look forward to seeing your builds in the future! have fun.



Welcome Aaron.  As Mike said this is a great place full of nice and helpful people. Just to add to some of the stores listed above:

Small Bear (may be the only place you can get certain parts)
Mouser Electronics
Allied Electronics
Newark Electronics

The 3 electronics stores are good to buy single items but I use them more when I need to buy resistors/capacitors, etc... in bulk.  And look at Allied and Newark for specials on resistors and caps. Everytime I go on either site they will have overstocked items for a really good deal. That is if you like to shop. LOL.

There is another option and that is Tayda.  You can get just about everything you need from them, parts are inexpensive and shipping is cheap.  Some people on here won't use them and some will (it surrounds the quality of products).  I don't buy ICs or electrolytic capacitors from them anymore but potentiometers, enclosures, resistors and some other things I will.  I've had 2 ICs and 1 capacitor failure from everything I bought from them and all the pedals I have made using their parts still work after 3 years.  And by no means am I hyping them.  If this is something you're going to do long term then buy quality products in bulk. 

+1 on Paul (diyguitarpedals).  He is a great guy and yes his parts are the real deal because he is the real deal.  He has spec'ed transistor sets and diodes for me and is just an all around nice person.  The only downside (no fault of his) is it takes a while for packages to get to the US.  I'm to cheap to have upgraded/faster shipping.  On the norm it has taken at least 2 weeks to get packages in TX.  That statement was made so you can plan ahead.

Last if you are buying anything on eBay be careful.  It's sometimes a hit/miss ordeal from the many threads I've read on here where people have been burnt with rebranded/fake parts.  Good luck and happy building.
