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Wtf is this thing (warning ugly work inside)

Started by add4, September 03, 2016, 05:51:26 AM

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i've bought the guitar in 2006 from a professional gypsy jazz guitarist, i don't even think he remembers me .. or the preamp :)

i's not spray insulation or goop it's actually .. that kind of chewing-gum paste you use to stick something temporarly on a surface. it was used to keep the components in place .. and into the box. that looks as professional as the circuit :)

i'll definately try a simple circuit then if it works look at a way to add some control, maybe a bandaxall and/or notch filter (these guitars love to feedback)


Heu guys. I breadboarded drolos preamp suggestion and tadaa it works. So it really needs to be powered.

I'll try a few different preamps and I think maybe a notch filter to control feedback.
Thanks a lot for your helps guys


Cool, let us hear what it sounds like when done ;-)


With that simple preamp it doesn't sound that good but I will. And ideally I'd add some sort of eq like the one in the rc boost maybe and also a notch. But I'll start with a v1: simple version with sound and make another version with more options later.