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Stutr Fail help

Started by Flock of Bees, August 08, 2016, 08:58:40 PM

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Flock of Bees

Hello Everyone,

I am having issues troubleshooting this Stutr Build. When the effect is off I have sound from the guitar. Once I push the switch, silence. I took some photos and Have some voltage readings:
1: 4.46     2: 4.42   3: 4.24    4: 0.01 
5: 4.24     6: 4.19     7:   4.45    8: 8.85

1: varies   2: varies  3: varies  4: 0.00
5: varies   6:  varies  7: varies  8: varies

I re-flowed any questionable joints, no luck. I appreciate any help I could get.

Flock of Bees


Is R18 & 19 meant to be empty

Flock of Bees

according to the build doc, if you do not wish to have the speed indicator (d2) than there is no need to populate R18 and R19.


I don't think pin8 of IC2 should be varying. What voltage variance are you getting?

Flock of Bees

Upon testing again. There is no voltage to pin 8


you should have your supply voltage on pin 8. As your LFO is working apparently (varying volages on the other pins) you must have voltage there. So please check again; it should be a steady 8.something V.

Do you have an audioprobe? there's a new tutorial how to make one and you could trace the signal to where it stops.
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