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Planning a West Coast US Holiday. Travel Ideas?

Started by Mojo Fandangle, June 23, 2016, 01:23:33 PM

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Mojo Fandangle

Thanks for the tips everyone. I had decided to do a Bus tour because I'm not really an experienced traveller but looking at everybodys suggestions, I might have to go with a hire car so I can get off the beaten track a bit more.

Quote from: Leevibe on July 10, 2016, 05:14:46 AM
Quote from: lars on June 23, 2016, 03:08:26 PM
1) The Redwood National Forest in northern California
2) Multnomah Falls in northern Oregon (second tallest waterfall in North America)
3) Basically the entire Oregon coast along Highway 101 (lots of great scenic views)
4) "The Trading Musician" guitar shop in Seattle (vintage stuff and oddball parts)

Agree with the redwoods and Multnomah Falls. Let me know when you're rolling through the Portland area and I'll show you the falls. It's pretty sweet as is the whole Columbia River Gorge. It's my stomping grounds.

Thanks LeeVibe. Portland is definitely on the agenda. A workmate of mine says it's a must see. I'll get in touch with you for some tips once I'm there.

Quote from: icecycle66 on July 13, 2016, 10:56:46 PM
Drive Hwy 1 north from LA to the Monterey Peninsula. It's fuckin' magestic.
Climb down a cliff in Big Sur to some private beach for an hour or so. 

Hang out in Monterey itself, it's one of my favorite cities in the world.
Caffe Trieste on Alvarado street has good coffee and breakfasts.  Pretty cheap for the area too. 
Eat at the Fish Hopper on Cannery Row.  Have the cioppino. Sit at a table where you can overlook the bay.
Home Plate on Lombard street has really good chorizo.

The Disney Family Museum on the Presidio of San Francisco is neat if you are into Disney.
The Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center north of San Francisco is a better museum whether or not you like Snoopy.

If you go near Napa I know a girl who'll get freaky with you and the wife if you're into that sort of thing.

Thanks icecycle66. 

The Disney and Charles Schultz museums sound cool. I'm a cartoonist so that's definately an the agenda.

I do like my seafood, so the Fish Hopper sounds good. Overlooking the Bay with some Clam Chowder would be nice.

Your friend in Napa sounds like fun. Not sure how the wifey might feel about it but it's a lovely gesture. Sharing is caring.

Tacoma Monterey and Big Sur look great. Can't help but think Planet of the Apes when I see Big Sur. Might have to hire a monkey suit and get some snap shots with the Mrs.

Quote from: disorder on July 11, 2016, 06:40:30 PM
Mr. Fandangle I'd recommend checking out San Francisco. It's cliche to say but there's no other city like it. If you plan a stop there, even for a day, let me know and I can send you some good spots (some touristy but worth going to and others far off the popular paths).

Thanks Disorder. San Fran is probably #1 on my list. I'm hoping to roam around there on on the Trams and my skateboard for a few days. It looks like it's got a really cool vibe there.

Quote from: m-Kresol on July 08, 2016, 10:38:32 AM
I've just returned today from an extensive US vacation. Started in San Francisco, drove around 3250 miles!! ending in Vegas and flew over to NYC for a few days. Great times.

I very, very, very much recommend the Sequoia national park. That one was probably my favorite one. Very impressive. If you decide to go there, we took the "alta trail". 

Also, the pacific coast highway. I just drove the small part between Monterey and SF, but that was beautiful. San Diego is a beautiful city if you care to drive down there. and probably most important for this forum:
The FENDER factory is in Corona, 1 hour drive from LA.
They offer factory tours twice a day Monday-Friday for 10$.

Thanks m-Kresol.
Sequoia looks awesome. Reminds me of the Beastie Boys "So Whatcha Want" video clip. Will have to get some fish eye sepia photo's of me and the Mrs busting rap poses.

The Fender Factory would be great. Fender are my guitar of choice (well, Squire really, the poor mans Fender).
I do really want to buy a Jay Mascis Jazzmaster (Squire) while I'm in the States.

Quote from: Morgan on July 10, 2016, 04:36:57 AM
5th generation Californian here. Make sure you get inland a little bit too. The Sierra Nevada mountains are nice, but are 4 hours from the coast. I live in Lake Tahoe and it's amazing in September. The stratovolcanoes further north in the Cascades are all breathtaking (Shasta, Jefferson, Hood, Rainer, etc).

All the kool kids got kicked out of San Fransisco by the tech wizards and now live in Oakland, and they're sort of making Oakland into a west coast Brooklyn. Lots of great eats and music there right now (Brick & Mortar and The Independent). I loves me some Doug Fir Lounge in Portland - great stage!

Will definately do Oakland while in San Fran. Pretty sure my favourite rap group Heiroglyphics are from there.
I'm hoping to see some live music during my stay so Oakland and Portland should be good for that.
"WhiskeyTown" in Shasta sounds like my kind of place too.

"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"