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125B Sideways Drilling Template

Started by mattlee0037, July 08, 2016, 05:29:26 PM

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Hey guys, been out of the game for a long time, but I've picked it back up with some free time and a lot more guitar playing. So Im really wanting to do a Box of Rock to round out my overdrive section. The thing is I love top mounted jacks, so is it possible to use a 125B enclosure with top mounted jacks (being oriented sideways) that wouldn't interfere with a pot mounted pcb? Also, since I'm here is there any other PCB to purchase for this besides the Tayda one? my google-fu couldn't pull up anything else really and I'm kind of done with vero at this point in my life.


It looks like has a board (though they seem to use wired pots) called the "Rock Box". I know Madbean used to have a version of it called "Krankosaurus" ( ). It's not on the storefront anymore but Haberdasher has it in stock over in his thread ( )


Yes, BUT There are so many factors involved. Size of the Pcb, how many pots?   Do you have any parts the would prohibit it? I say go for it.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Ah yes, I forgot about those etches! I'll probably be picking up the krankosaurus board then. I have all pretty small components. Still have a good stock of those mini electros. Any more opinions?


The Krankosaurus board uses 9mm board-mounted pots, and sits vertically in the enclosure (i.e., the PCB is aligned with the enclosure walls rather than the backplate). There's nothing stopping you from wiring the pots manually, but if you do it the intended way top-mounted jacks won't fit.


Yeah I realized it had board mounted pots so I went with a 125B sideways with top mounted pots and I just bought 16mm solder lug pots and will wire the pots manually :P