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Moodring White Noise In bypass too

Started by claytushaywood, February 24, 2015, 12:03:43 AM

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Yeh- ive tried a bunch of known good pt2399's.  you still have noise right?


I have the same problem. Tried another PT and it made no difference. I only have 1 extra anyway and they are both cheap ones from tayda plus it doesn`t seem to be coming from there anyway.

I have no noise going into the brick but noise coming out on both outputs. I added 470pf in parallel on C24 and 330N on C26 and it helped a bit but the noise can still be a little loud. Its fine for traditional reverbs that are dull and quiet, but if I want it bright or loud then its a bit annoying. If I want it bright AND loud as I sometimes do then I`m screwed. Its also kind of annoying to have any noise at all added to my bypass signal if I dont bother to turn the reverb knob all the way down.

Did you end up solving your problem clay?

I have another of the same reverb brick  (but from a few years ago and it looks different) in my synth and I`m thinking of swapping them to see if the other one will have less noise in the Moodring as I don`t really like it in my synth reverb anyway. It just sounds like a delay with a fixed time to me, not a reverb. They would be a PITA to desolder though.


Well unfortunately my build has the same white noise coming right after the brick.

Did any of you find a solution?

I got extra careful planning and building this one, so it's quite disappointing...


EDIT : noob alert. I forgot to NOT put R8 in true bypass mode. No doubt my voltages are off. Will report back later!
2ND EDIT : Removing R8 didn't change anything. :(

Message posted before I realized my R8 mistake:

"So it seems that of all the ICs voltages, 2 are quite suspicious: pin 3 and 5 from IC4
If anyone has any idea what to try they're more than welcome.

I did check the pt2399 (tried 3 different ones in both the Moodring and a Multiplex build), and changed the opamps (tried 8 different ones)

Here are the recommended voltages for IC4 (from the madbean doc, please note it included a 10r power supply resistor) :
1- 4,16
2- 4,5
3- 3,95
4- 0
5- 3,7
6- 4,15
7- 4,14
8- 8,3

And here are my voltages (same using 2xtl072, 2xlf353, 1xne5532 and 2xbb2134)
1- 4,54
2- 4,54
3- 2,97
4- 0
5- 2,26
6- 4,54
7- 4,54
8- 9,05

So pin 3 and 5 look odd to me.

All other voltage from the brick, the pt2399 or IC1 look just perfect. I checked the resistors around IC4, they're all correct (I'll check them again)

Any help is greatly appreciated!!"


So well I removed R8, and the problem is still there. Only a slight variation of voltages.

Here are my voltages for IC4 :
1- 4,54
2- 4,54
3- 2,26
4- 0
5- 2,26
6- 4,54
7- 4,54
8- 9,05

I removed the limiter led (I thought for some reason it could interfere) but it didn't change anything. Pin 3 and 8 seem low right?

Anything I should try first? :)


I put 1/8w resistors at the power supply (R35 and R36, both 10k, and also used a few 1/8w for other 10k's), could that be my issue??