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Beavis Audio Breadboard Layouts

Started by Mattallica, July 15, 2016, 07:34:40 AM

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I'm downloading a bunch of the Beavis Audio breadboard project layout PDFs for myself, and while doing so I've noticed that 3 of them are not working in the wayback machine archive:

Electro harmonix LPB-1
Muff Fuzz
Mockman (runoffgroove)

Does anyone here happen to have a PDF they could throw my way, that perhaps they downloaded when the site was still up and active?


P.S. for those who are interested in getting the old Beavis Audio breadboard project PDFs, just enter into the search field at and use one of the Febuary 2012 dates. All can be downloaded except these three.


I'd also like to add that I'd happily trade some parts/etc. or even kick you a few bucks for going through the trouble of digging one of these up out of your archive/scanning it/etc.



Yes sir! Right on the nose!

Thanks a million dude, you're my hero.


if you want moore, shoot me a pm with your email
i just have this
cant upload now, forgot the dropbox, mediafire and mega account, and now upload connection is slow
because my wifi used by 11 person  :'(


I was able to download the rest of the builds on the beavis site off wayback machine, but thanks so much for the reply and offer man! I do appreciate it.

Incidentally, and this has probably been covered here already, but I did find some more cool layouts here:

The page is in French but the layouts are English, some are done from Mark's vero layouts.


Here is the 41 page "Hackers Guide to the Beavis Board" if you or anyone else needs it.