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Afterlife vs. 4:1 for Bass

Started by jposega, May 31, 2016, 04:54:53 AM

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I'm planning a 4-in-1 box for my brother, also a bass player, and I'm wondering how the Afterlife and 4:1 compresses compare for use with bass. I feel like he may find the 4:1 easier to use since only 2 knobs control the comp and the 3rd knob is a clean blend. But there's more info on the Afterlife, so I figured I'd ask before choosing one by Rock, Paper, Scissors.


I put Mictesters' Really Cheap Compressor in my bass station.  That paired with the NE-1 makes for a great bass preamp IMO.  I've been gigging with mine straight into a powered foldback for my amp, and getting many compliments on the sound.  I also put a Sprout in there, but without a blend I find it gets lost with the two other dirty guitars.


On the compressor is it one or both leds that need pointing at the LDR?
I sometimes label builds rockwright


Both face the LDR. I rolled my own LDR/LED optocoupler.  From memory it's two square LEDs stacked on each other in my build, in heatshrink facing the LDR.

I mentioned the possibility of leaving the compressor on and leaving it on in that post, and that's how I gig with it.  The compressor is set pretty flat out, and the tone is set with the NE-1, which also stays on.


I've found an optical compressor less versatile in a live setting, I like the Ross in this case. The bearhug will be useful because of the switchable knee.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Jimi, have you done both versions of the bearhug? I have everything to do the original on vero, but I'm wondering if I should just do the newer version instead.

I've been itching to build a compressor though, dirt pedals are getting old.


Quote from: jimilee on May 31, 2016, 02:52:33 PM
I've found an optical compressor less versatile in a live setting, I like the Ross in this case. The bearhug will be useful because of the switchable knee.

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The only Ross-variant that I've found to sound good on bass is the OvniFX Smoothie.

My brother's a pretty straightforward player, mostly fingerstyle or pick. Compressor wouldn't be used for squashing or catching hard peaks from slap or anything.


The clean blend on the 4:1 makes it pretty cool for bass.  It's become the mainstay on my guitar pedal board and doesn't sound as squishy as the Dyna/Ross variants.  It's pretty much a "is this thing on?" type of compressor.  I use it mostly to fatten up clean sounds.  It's also really quiet.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I have not built the new one. Picks ripper has a variant board he sells. It has about a bajillion knobs on it.  Sounds great. I use the EHX soul preacher myself. It's an always on effect on my bass board.  As far as a bass blend, I haven't messed with a compressor that takes away the bottom end yet.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


For me, the blend aspect is less about worrying if the comp cuts bass but more about having a little more control over dynamics if there comp is set to a squashier setting. I'm waiting to hear back from my brother, but I might just build both, do an A/B video and let him decide.


I have used a few Afterlife builds for bass and I think it sounds great/adds a lot to the tone and really makes you stand out in a band setting. I went for the Ghost Note version. Personally, I don't think a blend on a compressor really does much, at least for the way that I'm using it (to stand out in a band setting). I think you either want the full compressor on or you don't. Mine is always one.


In the build doc for the 4:1 Brian says it is basically an afterlife with a clean blend. They probably sound about the same. If you build both let us know how they shape up against each other.

I did build version two of Midwayfair's Bearhug comp. It sounds great, though I haven't tried it on bass yet.