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No guitar signal when Macheen is on. HELP please!

Started by anarchy2465, July 25, 2011, 10:07:26 PM

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Hey so I just tested my macheen before putting it in the casing and I get a signal when it's plugged in and NOT on.  But when I turn it out it drops out completely and there's just silence.  I've checked for wires that may be touching that would cause shorts and inspected the soldering already.  Any ideas as to what this means or how I can fix it?  This is my first pedal project so I'm new at this.


Welcome to the forum! Sorry you are having some issues with your first build! We all have 'em, so don't get frustrated. I'd suggest check reading through the "Rules for Getting Help" thread, simply because it gives a great start to debugging. I'd read through that thread and follow it's steps, and the biggest thing you can do for us to be able to help you is post some decent pictures. Sounds like it's a ground/power issue you might be having. But seriously, check that thread out and see if anything there helps get you going.


Make sure you're connecting your guitar to the input jack and your amp to the output jack.  That would result in the behavior you described, and you'd be surprised how often people get turned around when they're debugging a component-side-up circuit board.


OMG it works! thanks mgwhit I can't believe I missed that.  Good to know I also made no wiring or soldering mistakes :) those can be a pain to fine and diagnose.  Time to box it up!


Sweet!  Glad to help.  I did the same thing testing my first pedal.  I felt like a total doofus until I kicked it on with cords in the right jacks and it ROCKED.