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Pig butt not clipping

Started by High Lord, May 14, 2016, 05:39:37 AM

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High Lord

Hi, soooooooo I made a Pig butt, stock everything, 1N914's.. LM741/ 4558. rocked it prior to you know what .

It does not seem to be clipping,
Sustain knob at 0 lets no signal through, (normal?)
the output with everything at full seems to be about unity.

IC voltages all good..

Made up an audio probe/ test rig ( wished I done that years ago) . Its my 1st time with a probe, a bit hit and miss.
Following the schem I guessed i should be getting signal at the input/pin 2 of LM471 ? don't seem to be, only on pin 6 , only on the output, weird. also i'll get noise in between the diodes but not at each end. I'm getting a bit confused about what should be making noise and what should not..

I've replaced both IC's with different sourced parts.

I've spent hours trawling the net in vain hoping that someone else has had this issue...

I've been pretty lucky in past builds i guess, oh and i used lead free solder for about half the board till i got frustrated with the mass of smoke and slow melt , back to holding my breath in a cloud of lead...

Any hints appreciated.


are your diodes the right way

High Lord

Cheers for the reply, yeah i triple checked those, each one is reading about 600(?)on my multi on diode test, i might just try replacing them just in case... being that they are the clipping. I kind of expected a volume increase even without clipping? Gremlins