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Small Bear is awesome

Started by Timko, April 14, 2016, 02:56:56 PM

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On my last order, I asked for a B2M pot for the Sharfin project.  Unfortunately, they sent me a B1M pot.  Generally, these are the types of careless mistakes I make by ordering the wrong pot.  But this time, I verified by my receipt that I had ordered the correct one.  I sent them an email stating the issue, and they responded this morning that they'll send out the correct value.

Good customer service rocks.  It's what keeps me going back to a store.


+1 on that, they have always been very helpful and quick when things like that happen.


Quote from: Timko on April 14, 2016, 02:56:56 PM
On my last order, I asked for a B2M pot for the Sharfin project.  Unfortunately, they sent me a B1M pot.  Generally, these are the types of careless mistakes I make by ordering the wrong pot.  But this time, I verified by my receipt that I had ordered the correct one.  I sent them an email stating the issue, and they responded this morning that they'll send out the correct value.

Good customer service rocks.  It's what keeps me going back to a store.
The EXACT same thing happened to me this week, too.  I ordered an A500k, and they sent A100k.  They replied a couple days after my email saying they'll send the right one.  (I have no tracking, though, so I don't know when it'll be here.)


I like Small Bear a lot, but I count everything now when it comes in.  I've had them miss something at least 4 or 5 times.  They always made good by it, but if I didn't count it, I'd be missing something in the future.  Last annoying one was a bunch of 3pdt, and no plastic washers.
I thought this would save me money.


The exact same thing happened to me many times last year, they always fix it but I am sure there prices are jacked up a bit to pay for all the extra shipping that must go out for miss picked items. I have never had an order from diyguitarpedals or Tayda with this problem. Any way they fix it it is just an inconvenience (mainly for Small Bear themselves)


I agree, its always a good idea to count/check/verify components when ordering.

I remember bungling a couple of Foxx tone machine builds because I foolishly accepted the idea that the place I ordered from knew that 470k vs 470r resistors were different.  It might be overkill, but I've started busting out the multimeter/band reference for resistors when they come in.


Quote from: Lubdar on April 15, 2016, 12:05:35 PM
I agree, its always a good idea to count/check/verify components when ordering.

I remember bungling a couple of Foxx tone machine builds because I foolishly accepted the idea that the place I ordered from knew that 470k vs 470r resistors were different.  It might be overkill, but I've started busting out the multimeter/band reference for resistors when they come in.

I've had Mouser bag the incorrect value of resistors before--and Mouser is highly automated. I always check off items when I get them to verify count, check values and check for missing hardware.

A screw up I've had happen from two different vendors twice is receiving 16mm pots without the hardware. I think they've started ordering from Tayda who supply the pots with the hardware detached, and the order pickers are used to having the hardware premounted on the pots.