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Porkbarrel Chorus!

Started by nzCdog, July 26, 2011, 10:12:04 AM

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Finally this one is completed...  Had the board since March, and the ICs since December!
Wow what a chorus pedal!  I recently sold me Boss CE-5 chorus...  it was pretty average to be honest, and I've never been a huge fan of Chorus until now... this thing is total lushness! 

Painted by my darling wife, its a blend of gold and ochre... Not your usual chorus colours, but the blue wasn't doing it for me... I'm really pleased with how it turned out :)

I never had any noise issues with this circuit but decided to uses a shielded cable for the output from the board as it was closest to the MN3101, which seemed to be the source of noise in my proto/testing phase.

Special mentions must go to Jeremy (the3secondrule) who gave me the ICs last year as part of the PIF... woo!  And to Madbean, who offered to send me the boards again when they got lost/severely delayed in the post (Due to earthquakes and collapsing buildings where I live ::)). 

You guys are awesome, thankyou!!! :D 8)


Contract PCB designer


Sweet build man, that looks great! glad you finally got to use the IC's  ;D
"I have many leatherbound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany"


That rocks!  I'm really glad to hear how great it sounds too.

I can't wait to build mine.  Like you, I've had the ICs since DEC.  Doh!  Too many irons in the fire I guess.

Anyway, good job.
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Very nice! That is a great sounding circuit.


What a beautiful pedal man! Your wife did a fantastic job painting it, I love the gold look of it. And you wiring is superb! Great build  ;D

God bless!


Looks fantastic! I just ordered the chips for mine yesterday. Lush chorus is something I'm after these days. Have you built the Little Angel? I finished one recently and I'm still blown away at how good it sounds with such a simple build. I can't wait to have this one to compare it too!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Thanks guys!  :D

Appreciate your kind words... funny how excited you get about the latest creation, so its really nice to share it with the awesome like-minded dudes here 8)

Quote from: the3secondrule on July 26, 2011, 12:09:25 PM
Sweet build man, that looks great! glad you finally got to use the IC's  ;D
Yes I did man and thanks again, I might never have tried it without those ICs you gave me, and I'm so glad I did!

Quote from: Haberdasher on July 26, 2011, 12:19:56 PM
I can't wait to build mine.  Like you, I've had the ICs since DEC.  Doh!  Too many irons in the fire I guess.
Thanks Haha... I think I'm finally running out of irons myself, good luck ;)

Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on July 26, 2011, 02:37:58 PM
Looks fantastic! I just ordered the chips for mine yesterday. Lush chorus is something I'm after these days. Have you built the Little Angel? I finished one recently and I'm still blown away at how good it sounds with such a simple build. I can't wait to have this one to compare it too!
Cheers man, I haven't tried the little angel but I do remember seeing the layout on FSB and thinking it certainly looked like less work than the porkbarrel!  The mods are really cool sounding, and you can literally start to feel seasick with everything switched in and the knobs dimed, its chaotic!