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Chunk Chunk

Started by paolob, March 20, 2016, 12:46:33 PM

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Hello Everyone I'm new to this forum

I've built a Chunk chunk but it seems a little bit to harsh and fizzy for my tastes. Is there a way to tame this pedal to make it sound more fat and less fizzy? Maybe the gain i too high and I noticed that high are very harsh. I run it trough a fender handmade Fender Bassman 5f6/ 135

Thanks to all!


I performed a mod to mine to bring it more in line with the Recto circuit. That mod is documented here. It helped tame the gain (still a lot available). No problem with stability or oscillation either.


Thank you very much I will give it a try!


Does reducing the treble and mids help. Just built this myself, just needs knobs. 1 thing I ran into was biasing. Q2 and Q3 are around 4.5v as document states but ive had to put Q1 at 8.71v and Q4 at 6.21v ..if I was to put them on 4.5v I get horrible feedback. These seem to work without any noise issues.