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Parasit Studio The Arcadiator

Started by Antoy, March 17, 2016, 06:28:03 PM

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Hi! Just finished The Arcadiator (check out fancy wires of different colors and funny sticker with "space invaders"). Aaaaaaaand... found that Fredrik upgraded the circuit and released version 2.0  :'(
About the sound.. It is very specific. For all those lovers of Atari, ZX Spectrum and Commodore sounds. I think the best (and more proper) way is to use this box with a synth.


Looks awesome!  I love the demo's of this thing, must get around to building it myself one day :)


Heh great to see someone mention Commodore :)


"Drop down, Increase speed and reverse direction!"

It's a great looking build. Very fun one to play with.