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OTDD (old tape deck day)

Started by diablochris6, February 21, 2016, 06:25:57 AM

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I just scored an old Marantz PMD222 on ebay for under $40, including shipping. It doesn't come with a power adapter, but everything works! I hooked it up to a small mixer and was using it as a tape delay...very cool sounds coming out of this! The plan is to tweak it so that the tape speed can be altered in record mode and build a small Echo-matic mixer circuit for it.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


I weep for the future of guitarists. Everybody else is moving forward, we seem to be regressing. While the rest of humanity will hopefully move forward we will probably end up back in caves again. Because of awesome acoustics.  ;)


Think if it as recycling. Chris is doing his part to keep antiquated technology out of landfills.


personally, I think that is a cool score. I have been wanting an old recorder like that forever.


Quote from: Matmosphere on February 21, 2016, 02:49:29 PM
Think if it as recycling. Chris is doing his part to keep antiquated technology out of landfills.

I suppose. Although personally I'd just raid that piece of junk for cool electronic parts. Its why I regularly check the electronics bin at work to see if there are some cool stuff in there, which I could raid for parts. I hear they sometimes used LM1819 IC's as noise suppressors in tape decks instead of the Dolby system. And the LM1819 is an unobtainium IC you need to build an Ibanez Noise Suppressor.

Maybe I should check my old tape decks. I have at least two of the old buggers still gathering dust somewhere.

Quote from: peAk on February 21, 2016, 04:13:29 PM
personally, I think that is a cool score. I have been wanting an old recorder like that forever.

Shall I reserve a cave for you too then?  ;D


Quote from: Muadzin on February 21, 2016, 02:18:38 PM
I weep for the future of guitarists. Everybody else is moving forward, we seem to be regressing. While the rest of humanity will hopefully move forward we will probably end up back in caves again. Because of awesome acoustics.  ;)

Sometimes the old school way is the best way. Did you ever hear Thargg and Rungor's song "Aaaaroowwww Rooooo?" The reverb in that cave was pristine. Mammoth Cave isn't too far from where I live. I bet I can get some major toanz from the longest cave structure in the world.

Really, this buy was due to the great deal compared to what these players usually go for on eBay. I figured why not since I am too much of a cheapskate to buy a legit tape echo or reel-to-reel.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Don't mind Muadzin. One of his hobbies is taking a shit on other people's fun.  ;D
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


That is a score for that price. I bet you can get some great overdrive tones too by using it as a preamp and pegging that VU meter.


Oh man that brings back memories... 4 track recorders & high school rock bands :)


Quote from: culturejam on February 21, 2016, 11:53:51 PM
Don't mind Muadzin. One of his hobbies is taking a shit on other people's fun.  ;D

And you wouldn't believe how much work that is.  :(


Quote from: Muadzin on February 22, 2016, 10:03:47 AM
And you wouldn't believe how much work that is.  :(

It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.  ;)
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I did this VERY thing. The lessons learned are in this diysb thread :D

It was rewarding, not a space echo replacement, but it is very fun and musical sounding. Best of luck!


Quote from: Strategy on February 22, 2016, 11:00:07 PM
I did this VERY thing. The lessons learned are in this diysb thread :D

It was rewarding, not a space echo replacement, but it is very fun and musical sounding. Best of luck!

Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen this one before. Good job on cramming all that in the battery compartment!

Quote from: 29palms on February 23, 2016, 09:40:06 PM
Dunno if you've seen this already Chris?

I have seen this one, and it is what got me looking up the echomatic circuit instead of just patching it into a mixer.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Knowing then what I know now, I might not have attempted to stuff the circuit into the compartment. I used the original layout; I bet a smaller PCB could be easily developed. The circuit is very minimal. Let me know if you have any more success with dry signal attenuation or kill than I did (if you attempt this)-- I couldn't figure it out.