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Eric Johnson running tones in the studio

Started by JC103, February 14, 2016, 01:20:28 AM

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A really great, honest, down to Earth run through the Eric Johnson rig circa 2010. Enjoy.


This is only marginally related but here is a little trick to getting some EJ fuzz tones - on a Si Fuzz Face set Q2 bias to about 3v (-3v on a Ge). This compresses the fuzz more and sorta emulates some of those late 80's 'violin' fuzz tones he had.


Thanks madbean, super cool trick. I hope to have a silicon fuzz faze built within a month or two. Just ordered the JMK "mojo" pcb. I have a tubedriver esque circuit combo (moon lander + opamp booster) that when combined with the fat pants gets close to EJ's tubedriver/echoplex tones.
