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pot to use in the AMZ "warp" control for two types of diode clippers...

Started by MarkL, May 21, 2015, 09:20:55 PM

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I'd like to implement the AMZ warp control, where instead of a switch to select between two sets of clipping diodes, you use a pot to go to either side and have different mixtures between them along the rotation of the shaft.  But...I really don't know what value of pot to use.  Is this sort of option best suited for a 10KB or even 5KB pot so that the mixing of the two clipping tones occurs in a more pronounced way along the rotation?  Or is it best to use a larger value pot like 100KB?  Any suggestions here would be much appreciated.


Not enough information. You need to know the impedance driving the clipping diodes, their orientation in the circuit, and how any impedance in series with the diodes will work. In some circuits, having the 100K will be a diode lift at any position except the last little twist on either side, and in some circuits a 10K will be like having both sets of diodes in all the time.


Thanks for the additional considerations.  I will try to become more familiar with the issues, but if it helps...I am making a modified Tubescreamer (well...Son of Screamer, actually), so the switching (or mixing, if with a pot) between the diodes will be in the feedback loop of the opamp (I'm using an OPA2134).  One set of diodes will be 2 Red LEDs, and the other set will be 1N914s, 2 against 1 for asymmetrical clipping.