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Modifying the ROG Peppermill -- with the Superheated SHO add-on

Started by MarkL, April 26, 2015, 10:41:48 PM

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I stumbled across the "Superheated SHO" project, which can be seen here:

It looks great, and I want to add it on to an ROG Peppermill circuit to give it more oomph.  But I'd like to introduce some asymmetrical clipping into the circuit. Can that be done by changing the value of the 1M resistors on the Superheated add-on?  That is, if I make one of those resistors 1M but the other one an 820K, would that help give a bit more asymmetrical complexity when I flip the switch to engage the add-on to the Peppermill's MOSFET stage?