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Can we see the build documents of unreleased projects?

Started by solderfumes, April 15, 2015, 04:59:36 PM

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I'm interested to try building a Zero Point SDX 2 but the boards aren't out yet.  I'd like to study the schematic beforehand because I'm a dork (and I might like to breadboard it first).  Is it possible to see the build document before the board comes out?  Even just a draft would be helpful.



Cool, thanks!  Where are these proto threads?  I'm starting to see that a Cave Dweller might be a better starting point since I'd like to use a Taptation chip.


OK so I see a schematic for a Cave Dweller II in the Cave Dweller build doc; is that the same as the one that's coming soon?  I'd still be really interested in perusing these proto threads.


In the original Cave Dweller build doc, there is a second project called the Dub Edition which uses two PT2399s. I probably referred to it as Cave Dweller II at some point, though. There is a newer Cave Dweller design which I have finished but will not be released until May. It is not tap tempo. There is also a different project called the Cave Troll which is tap tempo, and will probably be released at the same time. I can see how this can be very confusing....too many word plays on the same names. In summary -  right now there is the original Cave Dweller (regular and dub ed) and soon there will be the Cave Dweller 2015 and the Cave Troll tap tempo delay. And, there are several other PT2399 delay projects on here, too.

Anyway, I don't have build docs for those newer designs. Build docs generally come right when the PCBs are released (or more often a day or two after).


Im impressed that you would actually want to breadboard a Zero Point SDX 2 before building it on Brians PCB.. that would be insane.



No kidding.  I think just valuing your own time, it would be more cost effective to use the pcb, even if you didn't wind up liking the effect!


Haha, well I don't want to breadboard it anymore, having seen the schematic! :)  I think I will probably end up making up a simplified version of it that incorporates the Taptation.  I'm not super interested in the modulation so I'd probably just skip that part (or use the Taptation's own modulation).  Cutting out the current mirror and the LFO makes it look not *too* painful to do on a breadboard, or even on perf (maybe).  I know there are simpler delays out there (perhaps the Sea Urchin is a better option), but I like what I've heard of the filter options on the Zero Point.

As for the Cave Dweller I would just use the mod suggested in the JMK Taptation implementation document rather than wait for the Cave Troll.


Well actually I suppose I should ask: what other changes are planned for the Cave Troll?  How related is it at all to the Cave Dweller?