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Weener Transistors

Started by Jules, April 08, 2015, 08:45:26 AM

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Hi all, I am currently building a weener wah with a few mojo bits and pieces and have a question regarding the Transistors.
In the previous version of the Weener a 2n3565 was in the BOM for Q1 and in the current version it has a 2n5088 for q1.
I have both in my parts bin but would like to use the 2n3565 as it fits the mojo theme.
Has anyone used both? Are they pretty much interchangeable with similar gains etc?
Any thoughts would be much welcomed, thank you.


my experience is that trannies are not so critical for that circuit
i socket them and tried out a few, also BC109C and BC109B (mojo vintage)
i didnt realised much difference there...

my tip: socket and see what you like. if youre happy, solder them in


Thanks lluke,
I will socket it, interesting you say it doesn't make a lot of difference in this circuit.
I will also socket the transistor in my old Crybaby and see what happens there.