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Gibson Guitar in 2015

Started by alanp, September 24, 2014, 08:58:40 AM

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Quote from: GermanCdn on September 26, 2014, 04:12:26 PM
I think Henry's officially fallen off the deep end on this one.
Yeah, I think I'd classify all of those steps as totally nuts ... or desperate. It still seems so weird to me because they were on a really good track to being a great players choice for guitars. The whole buy it to hang it in a case is a waste of wood and I hate it.

Although, the new Special Double Cutaway looks pretty good. Maybe I could sell the robot tuners for enough to put on a set of normal tuners and upgrade the bridge. That'd still leave me needing to sand off the back of the neck and that hideous 100 logo.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).

Kinki fuzz

That new logo is just awful!


To the top!

So I was just reading's new write up on the 2015 Gibson lineup and had to see what others thought.

Looks like all E-tune and zero nut without any other choices. Why mess with a good thing. I feel they cut their own throat on this and next year will be different. Its going to be a mistake we all can read about in the "Greatest guitar companies failures" books.

Here all all the high quality images of the 2015 line.




I wouldn't mind one of those LP studios in Manhattan Midnight. I just wish they would do away with cream colored binding. It's SO ugly IMO.


Quote from: flanagan0718 on March 05, 2015, 02:26:05 PM
I wouldn't mind one of those LP studios in Manhattan Midnight. I just wish they would do away with cream colored binding. It's SO ugly IMO.



I still haven't made the trek to try these out.  The thing that sounds the weirdest is the wider fretboard without widening the string spacing.  Supposedly, this is because of the brass nut, but I'd have to see one in person.  I hear they also thinned the necks out significantly to compensate for the wider neck.

The other changes (logo, sticker, robot tuners) are annoying but at least are cosmetic or can be changed.  Hard to change a neck.

Who knows, maybe I'll like the neck when I play one, but it doesn't sound like a change most Gibson fans are likely to embrace.

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I've tried one, the neck was totally not what I expected.  I didn't think the wider neck would have that different a feel, but it did.  And the profile was more along the lines of a Charvel D profile, which isn't a bad thing, just not what I was expecting either.

Truth be told, I think they probably would have been better received if they'd made the change one year but not the massive price increases.  Then if (when) the new toys flopped, they could either go back to the old Standards with a higher price point, or creep the price up if the 2015s were well received.  Or at least offered up a number of models without the new features.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I think they also would've been better received if the change didn't go along with other changes that people found ridiculous.

But yeah, the price change is tough to deal with.

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Plenty of companies that make great LP copies that stick to the classic approach and have excellent quality.