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Started by add4, May 13, 2012, 03:42:10 PM

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I finished my honeydripper (new version) today and it doesn't fire up : no sound at all. :(

the voltages seem very odd to me on all the ICs,
Could i get voltage readings of all ICs from a working unit please?

Thanks in advance.


Just an update on this issue (look at the original date) to say that after sleeping for .. 3 years in a box, i finally found the time (had 2 babies during these 3 years) to take that pcb and try to debug it.

It turns out that it was simply an inverted diode in the PSU. i had normal voltages to the charge pump IC, no voltages anywhere else, even on the charging caps of the PSU so i measured the diodes and voila. 3 years in the waiting line, 10 minutes to correct it :)

it's now alive and waiting to be boxed.

i just thought that story could be interesting to all the builders here who are afraid of debugging or just never do it (see the very interesting thread about things never done by madbeaners in the open discussion forum).


Isn't it great when this happens ? ;-)


Congratulations on the new family additions as well! :)

Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


Thanks to both of you!
i still need to box it and, honestly, so far i just tested it by pressing my thumb against the tip of the input jack, through a simulated amp on my computer and headphones..
Wtih 2 babies and a too small flat, the only moment when i have the time to play is when the babies are sleeping -> no amp.

anyway, it works and i'll box it up and i'm sure that in a few years, when i'll have more time to play with amps and pedals, i'll love it :)


LOL. This thread, just sitting here for 3 years waiting for you to return. You really should spend less time here now. Congrats!!


Oh man! Thanks for the update! I've been waiting eagerly since May, 2012. :)
I think it is awesome you came back to this thread.  AND more importantly, congrats on the two babies. The ultimate DIY.


well i couldn't forget that circuit and why it wouldn't work .. i thought about it every day for 3 years ... finally ... i feel better now.

no ... seriously, i was looking for voltage references of the honeydripper to have a clue on my debugging process and the first thread popping up when you type 'honeydripper voltages' in the tech help forum is this one ... i was quite amused at finding my own question here, and amazed that it's already been 3! years ..
so i decided to answer to myself, partly for fun, partly to thank the wonderful support i had from the community with my first question :)