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Moodring Reverb vs Delay

Started by claytushaywood, October 02, 2014, 05:22:14 AM

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I was wondering if you can turn down the delay time on the moodring enough to make it reverb only or if there's a way to bypass the delay circuit.  i've built a clone of the EQD Ghost Echo according to the vero layout at sabrotone, but my minimum attack (delay) time is still pretty considerable. 

So can anyone tell me what the minimum delay time is on the moodring or if you can bypass the delay circuit completely and get verb only?  Thatd be pretty ultimate!



The minimum delay time is extremely short, but there's no easy way to measure it. My guess would be around 30 ms. To my ears it is not really objectionable. But, if you want to bypass it you will need to switch the output of C9 between R13 and R20. So, you will wire C9 off-board in this case. Connect a wire from the + pad of C9 on the PCb to the + side of the 1uF cap. Connect another wire from the - side of the 1uF cap to the middle lug of an SPDT. Connect a wire from one of the outside lugs to the - side of C9 on the PCB. Connect the other lug to the - side of C16 on the PCB. That should give you a bypass.


Quote from: madbean on October 02, 2014, 10:28:22 AM
The minimum delay time is extremely short, but there's no easy way to measure it. My guess would be around 30 ms. To my ears it is not really objectionable. But, if you want to bypass it you will need to switch the output of C9 between R13 and R20. So, you will wire C9 off-board in this case. Connect a wire from the + pad of C9 on the PCb to the + side of the 1uF cap. Connect another wire from the - side of the 1uF cap to the middle lug of an SPDT. Connect a wire from one of the outside lugs to the - side of C9 on the PCB. Connect the other lug to the - side of C16 on the PCB. That should give you a bypass.

very cool madbean!  has anyone tried this?  will it actually work like a reverb?  worth trying?


Quote from: claytushaywood on October 04, 2014, 04:45:32 PM
Quote from: madbean on October 02, 2014, 10:28:22 AM
The minimum delay time is extremely short, but there's no easy way to measure it. My guess would be around 30 ms. To my ears it is not really objectionable. But, if you want to bypass it you will need to switch the output of C9 between R13 and R20. So, you will wire C9 off-board in this case. Connect a wire from the + pad of C9 on the PCb to the + side of the 1uF cap. Connect another wire from the - side of the 1uF cap to the middle lug of an SPDT. Connect a wire from one of the outside lugs to the - side of C9 on the PCB. Connect the other lug to the - side of C16 on the PCB. That should give you a bypass.

very cool madbean!  has anyone tried this?  will it actually work like a reverb?  worth trying?
Bump!  Wondering the same thing