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New Tapaptalk

Started by stevie1556, December 30, 2014, 11:46:21 PM

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Has anybody else upgraded to the new version of this? If you haven't,  don't upgrade to it. It's bloody awful and won't let me reply to PMs  (sorry if you're awaiting a reply). I hope they go back to the old version soon! And none of the buttons to navigate the forum are in logical places :(


Mind self upgraded.  It's not impressing me so far.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Mine self upgraded too. It stinks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"my legend grows" - playpunk


I gave up on it months ago...
Contract PCB designer


Same here. Upgraded itself...yucky

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


It just gets worse and worse. Stop fiddling with something that once worked just fine.


Can't say I'm loving it either.  Seems like they've gone to the Microsoft school of 'lets tweak the interface in stupid ways with every version just to justify a release'


After using it for a bit, I've decided this is the worst upgrade they've done.  I found some previous updates that were annoying, but this is the first one that has me considering ditching it altogether.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


It took a few hours, but I'm used to the new layout now.

One thing that I love is that the app doesn't auto-refresh every time you open it. That's a big deal when you're trying to cut and paste multiple things in to a post.
For a while, I had to build the post in notes and then cut and paste it all at once.
Now, I can flip between TapaTalk and other apps and build a post without losing content.


Now Tapatalk has been upgraded again, I can finally reply to this post!

Turns out the last update also decided to stop me replying to any threads, as well as stopping me from replying to PMs, and having the keyboard on my laptop breaking didn't help. I wish they would just revert it back to a version from 2-3 years ago!

I contacted the designers and gave them as much information as possible, and they said a new update was already underway.