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Compressor for bass - afterlife, DOD280, or demeter comp

Started by the3secondrule, January 03, 2015, 08:45:44 AM

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If you do the AFterlife, here's the ghost note info:

For anyone wondering, here's how to do the Ghost Note mod from Jon Patton:

Brian suggested that fiddling with R7 could change the sensitivity. So I put a minimum resistance of 24K on a 50K pot. Stock settings are near the center. CCW is more dynamics and headroom before it squishes, and CW is squishier with a hint of bloom. I highly recommend this mod if you use multiple guitars with different pickup outputs.

Here's how to do it:

Connect lugs 2 and 3 of the pot. Solder one side of the resistor to lugs 2/3, and the other side goes to the PCB. A wire from lug 1 of the pot goes to the other resistor hole on the PCB. Order doesn't matter. You could use a 100K pot without the limiting resistor (or even larger) instead if you like, but I found the 50K + 24K gave plenty of range.

I used a linear so that noon was the original value, but feel free to deviate!


Quote from: copachino on January 13, 2015, 03:13:31 PMbut on th low end notes, really doesnt do anything

You're probably just not hearing what it does. It's all pass in both the audio path and the envelope detector. No frequencies are cut at any point in the pedal. Changing the caps won't do anything.

Compression is not the easiest effect to hear, especially at low frequencies coming from an instrument with a very long tail anyway. Bass strings sustain on their own a hell of a lot more than guitar strings.