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Plexi70 - Madbean Grapevine (sort of)

Started by lrgaraujo, February 14, 2015, 04:45:12 PM

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Hi folks,
This is a madbean grapevine with a couple of changes. Build required a little tweaking:
I didn't have any 2n5457 so I used Toshiba's 2sk118, it worked but became too gainy, even fuzzy, at relatively low gain settings. So I changed Q1 for a MPF102 and it became much better. I even tried to put a mpf102 in place of Q2 but that was a no-go. Last change I made was to use a gain pot of 200k.
Pedal sounds amazing, I can't compare it to a DLS cause I couldn't find a video showing what a DLS can do to a  clean SS amp such as mine.

I'm not at all proud of this build when it comes to looks: knobs covered the labeling and the guts are a mess, but I thought it was worth sharing due to the experience with different fets.
PS: not sure if you can note the twisted legs of the fets, but the sk118 have a weird pinout (SGD I think)



Hi Lourenço..... The most important aspect of any build is how does it sound? Since your build sounds great......mission accomplished. Personally, I really appreciate it when other builders share their experience regarding other transistor options in a build. I am going to try this combination. Great build.

Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


Where did those knobs come from? The build looks great and they really complement the finish.


great job dude... been meaning to build me one of these


Thanks guys!
Quote from: lincolnic on February 16, 2015, 06:13:19 AM
Where did those knobs come from? The build looks great and they really complement the finish.
The knobs are cheap ones I found in my component store here in Brasil, I can't even give you a proper reference, sorry...


No worries, I had a feeling they might not be easy to find. They just look cool!