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CHUNK CHUNK DC Jack not working...

Started by seagurt, March 06, 2015, 07:28:19 PM

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So I got the whole unit working, biased with a battery.

It isn't working with the Dc Jack though.

I am quite new to this, and am looking for some general debugging things I should be looking at.

My lugs on the Plastic DC jack have been shrink wrapped with the soldered wires, so there is no real chance it is a short between the ground and +9V.

What are some things I can check for? As it seems that there is 0V going to the board with the DC jack. No LED light up either.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks guys and gals!


I think you've just used the wrong lugs on your power jack.  The typical three-lugged power jack has one ground lug and two switched, normally on, power lugs.  When you plug in a power plug, that will disconnect the switched lugs and one of the lugs will have positive voltage and the other (the battery lug) will not.  Test the lugs on your power jack when you plug in and, if you don't have power on the lug that connects to the board and the LED, you need to switch lugs.


Swap your battery and DC jack power wires. I still do this sometimes if I don't pay attention to myself.
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


Cheers gentlemen,

You were quite right.

Thank you for the information. It is appreciated!


Cool!  Glad you got it working.  Have fun!