help harbinger one the vibrato is out of phase bass and low mids missing SOLVED

Started by Strassercaster, March 28, 2015, 06:31:25 AM

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hello its a stock harbingor  9v version with the lm7815. i noticed when i use the chorus side its in phase and has a lot more bass. when i switch to vibrato  you can hear it go out of phase and i lose low bass and mid . i thought it was supposed to be like that and thats why i liked the chorus side better. my friend is an amp builder and electrical engineer  explained i need to fix it. well how do i do that. ha ha thanks in advance .its this normal or did i make a mistake.


its fine.
the chorus setting is actually the main univibe sound. the vibrato setting was a not so great attempt for another flavor of modulation consistent with the original design.


All that happens in the vibrato side is that the dry-through signal is disconnected so you are hearing the modulated section only. This is phase shifted and filtered so it does not have the same frequency spectrum as the through signal (wherea true vibrato might). There is literally nothing to fix here. That is the sound of the Univibe. The only thing that might possibly impact the sound is if you made an error on your resistors for R12, R13 or R14.


Thanks Guys. I appreciate it.


I find the vibrato on my build is ok, not to thin sounding but when I''m in chorus mode and switch to modern the chorus [phase] sounds like a vibrato there is an increase in volume  no phasing though .I built the 9v regulated version but use a 12v adapter for more headroom   and for r46 I use a 50k pot this acts like a contour pot .The modern -vibrato problem existed before and after I changed r46- 47k to 50k pot