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speaker cable or low capcitance cable for head??

Started by copachino, December 01, 2014, 04:02:29 PM

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hi all, im buying my tourmaster PT from mercury since its burned, but, im wondering of cable, does the specific cable matter??, i have low capacitance cable for patches, its lave cable, still i only need about 1 foot long cable, but many guys says that i could damage the head using that, i still see no logic on that, cable its cable, but the only question im not sure its about power, maybe guitar cable its not strong enough to resist the power of the amp.... but im just wondering.

what do you says guys?? should i wait until i got speaker cable or guitar cable should do the job???
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Patch cables are made of wire, maybe ≤ 22awg, too thin for use as speaker cable. At least 18awg (zip cord) or bigger, doesn't need to be 'speaker' cable but it does need to be a much, much, heavier then patch cord cable.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

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