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LED orientation...Boneyard

Started by highway jones, May 15, 2011, 12:32:54 AM

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highway jones regard to the clipping LEDs pictured on the Boneyard PCB, is the bottom or the top of the pictured LED meant to be the longer leg?


I'm building one of those right now, too.   8)  The flat spot on the LED (short leg) corresponds to the flat part of the LED in the illustration.   

At least I hope I got that right, otherwise I'll have to break out the de-soldering braid :D

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Yea Madbean seems to designate the LED's by drawing the flat side as you mentioned.  He also uses squares and circles around leads for electrolytic capacitors and diodes (square is positive, circle is negative).  This is a great website to find other similar useful info:

highway jones

thanks guys!  I can usually trace the negative side back to ground but it is a bit harder for me to do so in this layout.  I hope to get this one together soon!  I always seem to overlook one or two parts when I place a Small Bear order so, it may be another week or so.....