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The Lady Scramjet - Current Lover

Started by mcasemo, October 28, 2014, 03:33:35 AM

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Here is my completed Current Lover, The Lady Scramjet.  The little eye shaped thingys are diagrams of a scramjet engine. Flangers can sound like jet engines, so that is how the name came about. i suppose a design/name should not require explanation, but i think it looks kinda cool.  I have not finished the CV in wiring, just a few wires to solder up, but figured i post.  I want to try to control the rate from the envelope follower of the naughty fish, but have to build that next to try it out.  Thanks to Scruffie for pointing out my chip install mistake, this thing sounds awesome.

I totally gave into a layout of vertical pots before realizing the board had pot mounts, so just used the switch to mount the board.  That caused the input jack to run right into the board, so i have it cocked to the side and mounted very high to avoid interference.  Looking at the pic, i cocked it the wrong way on re-install, whoops.  Anyway, there it is....



Awesome in every way. From the artwork to the controls layout. Outstanding job.



Thanks Cody, just clicked on your blog, nice etchings!  I've failed at etching, think i need a different laser printer (it can't be me right?).  going to retry soon. 

cheers, mark


I like this pedal a lot - great work!.  Nice photo, too.  I like the reflection off the granite countertop.


Great build, very cool to see someone using a different enclosure
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings

Cortexturizer - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Very nice. Can't wait to find out how the envelope follower works


Cool build. That's a fun way to lay out the controls and it's fun to see the octagon. Very cool.