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2012 mudbunny not working (solved)

Started by duantro, October 16, 2014, 04:34:46 AM

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Hi, I've finished a mudbunny pcb with the Green Russian parts that I've acquired and it is not passing signal when engaged.  The person I got it from had 2N3708 in the bag for the Q1-4 positions. I assume these will work here?
The only other changes are the mid pot mod - Replaced C10 with a 22n cap
Replace R3 with a 22k to 25k potentiometer. Is this correct for the mid pot mod?
When using an audio probe, working from output backwards in the schematics, The signal drops drastically at the other (input) side of c10. Not sure whats happening here. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Here are the dc voltages for the transistors:
Q1  e .37
      b .375
      c  1.075
Q2  e .37
      b .374
      c 1.075
Q3  e .367
      b .371
      c 1.070
Q4  e 1.995
      b 1.999
      c 2.7



Did you arrange the pins correctly on those transistors? According to the datasheet the pinout is emitter, collector, base.


Yes, I believe so. It appears to be the same as the silk screen on the board, since schematics show each emitter through a resistor ( r5, r11, r16, and r23) to ground. I'm assuming these transistors are a suitable fit here? I have socketed these connections also.


Quote from: duantro on October 16, 2014, 03:16:29 PM
It appears to be the same as the silk screen on the board.... I'm assuming these transistors are a suitable fit here?

They're not, though.  Your 2N3078s are ECB and the 2N5088s that the PCB was designed around are EBC.  You'll have to insulate and cross the Base and Collector leads if you want to use the 2N3078s.


Oh, oops! Thanks I'll try this tonight.



Cool.  Glad you got it working.  Have fun!