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First Build - Messy Kingslayer 2

Started by maine_man, September 22, 2014, 08:47:16 PM

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This was my first pedal build, and I learned some very important lessons:

1. For a first PCB pedal build, don't choose one with 3 knobs and 3 switches.
2. Buy a larger enclosure than the one the experienced builders use. The 1590B is damn small and hard to work in for such a tough first build.
3. When you tap the enclosure with an awl to give yourself guides for hole drilling, just tap once. Three times is not necessary and will just crack the enclosure.
4. Be careful with the wire, it snaps easily and is a pain when it snaps off after been soldered in place to the PCB.
5. Check the knobs and the driled holes for alignment before soldering them to the board. Otherwise you end up with them all cockeyed like mine. But I'm leaving them that way to remind myself of the lessons I've learned, and because it's damn funny looking.

So here's my super messy first real pedal build, the Kingslayer 2.



Nice work!  That's hardly messy enough to be of any concern.

Your problem with snapping wire is a problem though.  You might want to find something more robust for future builds.  Is yours solid?  I recommend getting something stranded, pre-tinned and bonded like the Barry's Best Wire at

As for aligning the pots with holes, I drill the holes, fit the pots to the enclosure, put the board onto the pot lugs and then solder.  Getting the board holes to line up with the solder lugs while everything is mounted in the enclosure can be a bear, but I feel like it beats the mechanical stress you will put on the board if you do it the other way around.

Have fun with your Kingslayer!


Excellent tip for making sure the pots line up better.  I'll definitely try that next time.  Thanks.


That's a very good first build, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm just about to replace my first build - a single-sided Klon. All pots were free wired, which made it one big mess. Also the layout was not half as neat as Brian's.
Nevertheless, you could improve your wiring if you try to run it under your in/out jacks or hold them together by using a wire zipper or heat shrink. Also, ribbon cable can work wonders in that matter.
You did a great job on the exterior!
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Much better than my first build! Wish I'd seen this forum first.

Nice job!

Btw you spelled toan wrong
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Way better than my first build! Great job! Cool at too, is that A.G.O.T. Funnies?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



This looks as good as my tenth. Nice work man!


Quote from: maine_man on September 22, 2014, 08:47:16 PM
4. Be careful with the wire, it snaps easily and is a pain when it snaps off after been soldered in place to the PCB.

I get the impression here that it breaks right where the insulation ends? If this is the case, you might want to check your wire stripping procedure.

Other than that, really nice first and second build, and VERY impressive box art!
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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I get the impression here that it breaks right where the insulation ends? If this is the case, you might want to check your wire stripping procedure.

Could be the wire too though.  I use Chromosphere's 24aw these days (fantastic), and DSE hookup wire before that (ok), but the Jaycar off-the-reel stuff I used originally was terrible for the issue above.  I still just use my teeth to strip wires, so there's differences between the wires for the same base technique at least.


That is a fantastic first build and you should be proud of it! You're  wiring is actually really good, amazing actually when you consider it's a first build. My first one was a Rat, on an etched layout (so all 4 pots and the switch had to be wired to the board rather then mounting on it), and I must have used about 5 meters of wire inside it!


Nice first build. The most important thing you have already written : your learnings!
good job!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?