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Treble boost - into tube amps only?

Started by Willybomb, September 16, 2014, 11:22:09 PM

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Gudday all.  I think I was reading the Rangemaster build docs and noticed that they said a treble booster should only be used into a tube amp.  What's the reasoning for this?

I have to admit, my HT-Dual sounds better with a (generic) boost in front of it than any of my solid state dirt pedals do.  While the Dual will get more "overdriven", the solid state stuff can just sound like it's getting some digital clipping (like when you go over 0db on a cd master) as opposed to/as well as more saturation.  Is this just a tube thing?


I do know that Catalinbread has designed its foundation pedals so they can be used with a treble booster in front of them. In fact the Galileo I & II and the Sabracadabra both employ Naga Viper trebleboosters pushing what are essentially solid state pedals. Maybe its because those foundation pedals are designed to mimic tube amps?