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best/your favorite flanger project?

Started by Beedoola, September 19, 2014, 03:55:42 AM

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preferably something where a PCB can be bought for the build.


Well, in terms of what gets USED... ?Flange. It's gone on my board and stayed there since I built it. Keefe can etch the boards for it.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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I like the Collosalus that I built, great sounds out of it, not too difficult to setup


That I have completed would be the BYOC Flanger.  Worked first time, sounds good and all that.  I have the Flintlock Flanger completed but not boxed up yet, but it sounds real good as well but until I have it boxed, I can't really do a side-by-side or anything.


All of the flanger builds I have done have pro's and con's

* Madbean current lover - Deluxe Electric Mistress - sounds great, more limited controls

* Moosapotamus - ADA MN3007 version - hard to dial in, more complex, sounds amazing (best DIY pure flanger sound, in my eyes) and you can put the +/- feedback modes on a footswitch which is awesome. mid-large size build, unless you go for the newer Flintlock PCB. The only downer then is sourcing some less easy to find parts such as in-line OP AMPs.

* Lovetone ?FLange with no name - have to etch or buy an expensive large etch, large footprint. Amazing, ridiculously broad range of sounds. Not as great pure flange, but does shit that nothing else does. Doubles as a nice tremolo too. And a ring mod for that matter :P lots of parts and significant off board wiring however

* Madbean Collosalus - MXR117 - I have the PCB but never built it, probbly due to owning the above. However I heard that its sometimes a bit "picky" and for me its a fairly standard sound.

As a starter, Id probably try the Current Lover. Its the easiest to build. just make sure you buy an implement a Road Rage or similar PCB to supply 15v, it sounds SO MUCH BETTER with the higher voltage.


Quote from: LaceSensor on September 20, 2014, 10:58:02 AM

* Madbean current lover - Deluxe Electric Mistress - sounds great, more limited controls

Just to clarify the current lover is not the Deluxe Electric Mistress but the 9V Electric Mistress.
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