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Does your Serendipity sound like a dark boost?

Started by selfdestroyer, September 18, 2014, 10:17:58 AM

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Then you probably did what I did... enjoy my little story of mess up.

I built a Serendipity for my father and loved it so I decided to make myself one also.

I kind of rushed the build (I'm making up excuses at this point) and did not "rock it before I boxed it" since I just built one 24 hours earlier and I said to myself "I got this!"

Boxed it up and even put velcro on the damn thing and stuck it to my board and fired it up and I enjoyed the smooth sounds of a ugly dark sounding boost/very low low gain OD pedal. In all of its glory I pulled it off my board and checked a few of the usual culprits and did not see anything amiss. Thrown to the side since I had to many projects in play it sat.

forward 4 months and some change later. I opened the thing up since I was planing to finally troubleshoot it and low and behold I found the problem. I mixed up the Tone (supposed to be 50kB) and Gain (supposed to be 500KB) so that explained it.

If I would have never boxed it when I was testing it I would have most likely seen that right off the bad.

Thought I would share my pain since when I read stories like this it helps me remember to check such things in my troubleshooting. All in all, keep on building and keep on failing... helps us all learn.



I think I did the same mistake with my neutrino. It was my 3rd build and there was a "black" version so it made it even weirder since I did the burst. Couldn't imagine what anyone would use a darker version for. I found it because I also wired the pot backwards.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Did this with a Rebote 2.5. I mixed up the Level and Delay pots. I was wondering why it was so quiet. (hand...forehead) dummy :-\