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Quasar C7 Question?

Started by Roctopus, May 01, 2011, 03:44:54 AM

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Hey gang!

I am working on a Quasar (RC) build and according to the parts list C7 should be a 1uf cap. I didn't catch it until not but it looks like C7 should be a box cap. I always assumed that uf values were electrolytic caps and nf values were box caps so I'm a little confused. Can someone please verify for me wether it should be a 100nf box cap or a 1uf electrolytic cap?

I purchased a 1uf electrolytic cap. If it's ok to use that one, how should I arrange the polarized leds? Should the positave led be connected to 3 of the Vol Pot or C8?

Also, do I just not put anything in C9 for the (RC) build? Not even a jumper? I assume "omit" means leave it empty but I just want to make sure.


ps - I love this forum! I'm so glad I don't have to do this on my own :)


It's supposed to be a 1uF Film box cap. I know it's a little bit surprising, but this is actually pretty common in DIY pedal building. I was surprised in some of my early builds about this as well. I didn't know and had to make another order for parts on a particular build because it needed 10 of them, and I had bought Electrolytics.

You can use an electrolytic here if you'd like. If you do, the negative lead should be 'up,' and the positive lead down. Meaning, that the negative lead should point towards the Pot, and the positive lead should point towards the IC.

For C9, yes just omit it. You don't need to jumper it.

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Quote from: jkokura on May 01, 2011, 04:14:25 AM
It's supposed to be a 1uF Film box cap. I know it's a little bit surprising, but this is actually pretty common in DIY pedal building. I was surprised in some of my early builds about this as well. I didn't know and had to make another order for parts on a particular build because it needed 10 of them, and I had bought Electrolytics.

You can use an electrolytic here if you'd like. If you do, the negative lead should be 'up,' and the positive lead down. Meaning, that the negative lead should point towards the Pot, and the positive lead should point towards the IC.

For C9, yes just omit it. You don't need to jumper it.


Thank you so much! I ended up just re-ordering the correct 1uf box caps :)