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New Delay Day: Pigtronix Echolution 2 Deluxe

Started by culturejam, September 07, 2014, 01:18:43 AM

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I actually got this a few days ago, and I still haven't had as much time as I'd like to really do a "deep dive" on all the features (please excuse the corporatespeak), but I wanted to start a thread to discuss it.

Granted two things: 1) I'm still in the early honeymoon phase; and 2) this thing is outlandishly expensive. So perhaps my initial impressions are biased.

However, I *can* say that the feature set is as impressive as it is daunting. As a product, I'd put it in the same category as the Timeline and also possibly the TimeFactor, although to be honest I've not played the other two. The price is also comparable.

There's so much to it that I can scarcely provide an adequate summary, but I do want to mention a few things that I really like and thing or two I don't totally love. This is not a comparison with any other similar product

Stuff I like:
• All features/parameters are available all the time via knobs and soft-touch switches. No menus and no scrolling!
• LFO options and control are exceptional. Modulation sounds are fantastic and highly variable.
• Multi-tap delays are available, which makes emulating multi-head tape delays possible (and very accurate).
• There is a mode called "Halo" which is soft of like "shimmer". It gives one and two octave up repeats. With delay time low and feedback high, it can do nice synth sounds.
• It's absolutely the quietest delay I've ever used. There is ZERO noise in any mode or configuration.
• Any of the knobs can be assigned to expression pedal control. Through the software, I believe it is also possible to assign other parameters to expression, but I haven't even fired up the software yet. haha
• With a remote footswitch, there is a "freeze" function and also an "octave up" that is applied on the next round of repeats.
• Non-delay modulation effects can be achieved, including chorus, phaser, flanger, and vibrato.
• There is a bitcrusher built in that does wacky and unpredictable things.
• Software allows for preset management and export (you can share with other people)

Stuff I'm not nuts about (or think others won't like):
• There is no dedicated filter knob for variable filtering. Filtering is via "concept" presets (tape, etc).
• Patches can't be changed via foot without an extra, external footswitch added on.
• You can't see which preset bank you're in currently without turning the Preset knob (the indicator for bank # shares a LED cluster with the LFO waveform indicator)
• As far as I can tell, there's no way to make the delay preamp get gritty. Headroom is astronomically high. Frankly, this isn't a negative for me, but I know other people (for whatever reason) like to use delay preamps for dirt.
• That's about it!

More details to come as I explore more. Also, if anyone else has one of these, please chime in. I'm still quite the noob.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Nice, Thanks for that user overview, since you talked me about it, i've been watching couple clips of it in loop.... Only thing i havent found info about is if the input and outputs can be in either LoZ or HiZ, wich is very important to me for the setup i would use a high end digital delay unit.
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As far as I know, you can't adjust the input or output impedance. Input is way high, and output is way low.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Dang... I'll have to get a SDD3000, no choice.... :)
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