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Which set of small bear OC75s for BumbleBee?

Started by uber, September 05, 2014, 06:30:11 AM

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So I am sourcing parts including the BumbleBee project and there are three choices of sets of matched OC75 transistors that Small Bear offers: TB MKI, TB MKII, and Rangemaster Mullard.  My understanding is that these are matched for the Tonebender and Rangemaster clones, although I am not sure what the distinction is between MKI and MKII.  Which of these sets would be most appropriate for the BumbleBee? 



So I am out of luck then? I don't see that as an option at Small Bear... Am I missing something, or is there an alternative replacement available elsewhere??  Thanks!


There are three sets that come up first thing when I type in "Tone Bender." It's also called a 3-knob bender.

And there's a set specifically for the buzzaround.


Duh.  I was searching for "OC75" so I didn't see all those options.  Thanks for the quick reply!