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Remove octave effect from Poindexter?

Started by ridgeback, April 24, 2011, 03:27:46 PM

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I know, it seems ironic to remove the octave effect from an octane, right?   ;D

In a thread at another DIY page, Zach Vex himself answered a poster's question regarding removing the octave effect.  He had the following to say:

"We used to see Octane 1 pedals that sounded great but had no octave-up when the wrong value resistor was installed feeding the base of one of the transistor pairs used to generate the octave.  That's the simplest part you can remove to get rid of the octave.  On the schematic I've got here at home, R11 or R10 (right after the phase splitter) would be your two choices."

Brian from Madbeans suggested I try removing R9 from the circuit to achieve this on the Poindexter.  it didn't quite work.  It make it SUPER gated sounding.  Almost like a Fuzz Factory set at extreme comped and gated settings.

Based on Zach's description on what resistor to remove (the resistor right after the phase splitter) any suggestions on which resistor that would correspond to on the Poindexter circuit?
