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fo-sho cuts sounds fuzz

Started by copachino, July 04, 2014, 03:59:49 PM

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hi all, i have build a fo-SHO from Rullywow, the main problem its that at max gain, sounds like a bad fuzz, and cuts freq like something goes wrong, but im not so sure, its possible to find what its wrong, or the booster its meant tobe like that
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


i have listen better, and the problem are not freq as i said, its that the its too fuzzy, it cuts the sounds like a fuzz, but its too heavy, i have buils the three on the set from OSH, and sounds the same.... transistor are bs170, from tayda they are faichild ones... everything its the same values but the pot that i only had a 1k pot instead of the 5k, but that will only gives less range, im not so sure whay it sounds so fuzzy, im on a solid state amp. a peave range 158, i have tried a marshall jvm on that, im its too fuzzy
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....