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Blerg - flu day

Started by the3secondrule, July 09, 2014, 08:07:58 PM

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so I'm off work today, hoping to stave off the nasty flu that's going round at the moment.
Figured I'd use the rare day at home with no obligations to crank through some layouts.
Here's whats on my radar:
MXR envelope filter (the vintage one, not the reissue with many knobs)
DOD gonkulator (eventually i'd like to work out the ring mod section as a standalone effect, or at least replace the Grunge with a more useful/versatile distortion. or a less useful, more offensive one).
EHX frequency analyzer (again, not sure how practical this is, or if the chips are unobtanium).

any thoughts / requests?
"I have many leatherbound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany"


love the gonk idea...maybe make the distortion side switchable?


The modern Frequency Analyzer uses the AD633, the chip is still in production last I checked but it's not cheap or readily available, the chip from the vintage model is rarer than a MN3005.

Powering it is also an issue, the ICL8038 (also not readily available, don't think it's still in production but perhaps it is) is very current hungry so a charge pump wouldn't do it, that's why the 'Randy's Revenge' uses an OTA based oscillator... an XR2206 might be a better substitute.

There is a chinese 'clone' adapted to use an MC1496 that is a much cheaper chip than the AD633 but I haven't gotten around to testing that out.

It is something I had considered doing with Haberdasher already but got back burnered for now for those reasons.
Works at Lectric-FX


Bummer I was looking forward to building one :-(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I always thought the gonkulator would be more fun and usable if you could ring-mod the distortion too, as part of the mix. Starts to quickly become a forest of knobs. Though I suppose that's a ring modulator's native habitat.  :P