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green ringer

Started by adam_bz, June 16, 2014, 06:49:35 PM

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I've put a green ringer together same as the old MVP project guide, itscworking more like a booster/drive and not much octave. The circuits right just something is a miss. Any suggestions how to improve it / fault fix?


If something's amiss, then the circuit isn't right my friend. I'd start with triple checking you've installed the correct parts in the correct places, and that no parts are oriented the wrong way. I'd also wonder where you got your transistors and what values you're using, because this is a very transistor dependant circuit.

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What do you suggest for transistor values? Everything else is right.


Transistor quality can vary greatly, depends sometimes where you got them.

Tayda, eBay, found them in a drawer?  Or mouser, digikey, a drawer in a lab that makes medical equipment.

A lot can depend on your power supply, as well as guitar, amp, and other pedals in the chain.
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e.e. cummings