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CherryBomb - Troubleshoot - No sound - First Build - HELP!

Started by LipePampuri, June 07, 2014, 09:54:25 PM

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Hello Guys!

I'm new here, i'm starting to get into diy pedals. This cherrybomb is my first build ever and my knowledge is very little. I've been reading and researshing a lot tho.

So, the sound works the the pedal is bypassed.

It does power up, (the led lights, even tho I could only get the 3mm to work. I had a 5mm LED that dident work i dont know why, tried 2 5mm LED none worked but the 3mm did).

The power goes to the board, it measures 9.04v.

I measured my transistors and the voltages are:

Q1 -
E - 0.40
B - 0.93
C - 1.59

E - 0.97
B - 1.59
C - 5.31

Q3 -
E - 0.88
B - 1.48
C - 5.64

How I said, my knowledge is very little, but as far as I could research it seems like they are with right voltages (I may be wrong tho).

I also tried following up the signal with the multimeter if i connect to in and out, there's no connectivity, and then i dont really know how to follow up the signal to make sure were it's shorting.

Can someone give me some help?

Thank you very much!


I am pretty new to this and can't really diagnose anything.  However, I made a Cherry Bomb a week or two ago that didn't work - I did not use all BC109.  I also used the other two in the BOM.  If you did that as well, the legs on the non-BC109s needed to be crossed.  Once I crossed them, it fired right up.
I thought this would save me money.


I thought this would save me money.


Here are some pics of it - (I Know its a mess! first time, second will be better!) lol

image hosting without registration


I used BC109 , and I believe I got them in the right position!

Im gonna watch this video to see if I can follow the signal!


I watched the video but couldnt really follow up much on how to do it.

Is there a way i can do it with the multimeter?

I dont have a 10nf capacitor, could I use a different cap?

Does the transistors voltages look right?


Sorry guys!

I fucked it up and changed the sides of the in and out jacks. Inverted the cable and it works! And sounds pretty badass!!!
Thank you!!!