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NNWPD II - Now Working!!!

Started by GrindCustoms, March 14, 2014, 02:43:50 AM

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DOD Chorus 690

Grabbed it from dpalme :)

It's not working, missing the SAD512D BBD.... reason why i'm looking to trade one, so get this functional and add this cool piece of modulation in the vintage stash.

Bypassed signal does'nt pass either, so there's quite some trouble shooting to do, LFO works perfectly though, so i'm enthusiastic..... well.. if i find a BBD.

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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Bumping up this thread because this unit is now working and it sounds really nice! :D

Main reason why she's now working is because Greg (Gvmnt_Lacky) gave me a serious help about it and sent me the RD5106 BBDs that are a direct replacement to the unobtainable SAD512D.

Prior to set it up for the BBD transplant, i was'nt getting any signal out of the pedal when i got it, just a huge HUMM. After some probing i found out that the output OpAmp was blown and overheating after couple minutes under power. Took it out and installed a socket not knowing if the problem was fixed yet.

Through the trouble shooting i also found some of the polarized cap leaking DC, took no chance and changed them all for Tants, so only the power filtering cap needs to be changed in another 40 years. :lol:

To accomodate the RD the trimmer had to be changed from 5K to 100K, on resistor change 22K to 100K and swap the Vreg for 12V instead of 15V. Did'nt had any 78L12 so i stuck a L7812... added some 78L12 in my cart and will changed that, just for the aesthetics. Will also try to find a trimpot with that hyper wide stance.

I'll try to record a crap clip shortly, the pseudo-ramping you get by switching the 2 speeds is fantastic, really liking the sound of this chorus.
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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Fantastic Rej!!!

Glad you got it up and running. Wish I knew you needed a 78L12 as I could have thrown some in the mail to you too  :-\

Oh well. Cant wait for the clip.  8)


Awesome ! I love to see old effects come back to life.


Yesterday i've tried to put a clip together... did'nt turned out as i liked, tried again today.. same thing...

I'll get a friend at my place tomorrow to play while i turn the knobs, i'm better at that anyway. lol
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