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Pedal Power Transformer Question

Started by GrindCustoms, April 14, 2014, 03:23:04 AM

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Hi Guys, i have an old Ross Flanger that have been modded to use a common 18V supply so the transformer have been replaced with a DC jack.

I'd like to bring it back to it's original condition, there's something about pedals with a power chord that i really like.

I just don't know where to source those.


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There's a good chance you already have a transformer for the project:  it's in the wall wart you're using to power it right now. Take a look inside the wall wart and compare it to the original Ross transformer:
Since you already know that wall wart can provide the right voltage and mA, you might as well use the transformer from it, rather than risk soldering in the wrong transformer that could fry your SAD1024.


Agreed, but the transformer can always be tested prior to be connected to the circuit and the BBD can be removed from the socket aswell.
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