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Nautilus Questions

Started by Kipper4, April 15, 2014, 07:34:26 PM

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Guys I'm bulding the nautilus on a pcb from a friend.
I have a couple of questions if you will.
My vactrols are on order but which way are they orientated please
i note that on the single sided layout (madbeans) that there is a mark (+) on one side of the vactrol representation on the overlay.
and although i dont have the vactrols yet i believe theres a white dot printed on them.
Does the (+) mark represent where the white dot on the vactrol goes?

Which charge pump ic5 would you recommend

I've probably asked this last question before but my pc is playing up and i cant find the thread so any help would be appreciated again


The vactrols you ordered will have a datasheet. The datasheet will tell you how the cathode or anode are indicated on the vactrol itself.

Always check the datasheet.

If you are still not sure, the LED in a vactrol is an LED. Your multimeter can tell you which side of a diode is which.

For the charge pump, I recommend getting the one that won't explode if it gets within an inch of 10V. To find out which one that is, check the datasheets (you want "maximum input voltage"). You also want to know that it can source enough current for your project.

Always check the datasheet.

I'm pretty sure Madbean's documentation tells you which ones are acceptable for use in this build. You can also use an LT1054, which is a very robust charge pump, if you remove pin 1 (or bend it away from the socket).

Today's lesson is:
Always check the datasheet when you have questions about a part.


I mostly do look at data sheets.
thanks Jon.
The stated ic5 are the ones reccomended in the build doc.
I was asking because i want to keep noise to a minimum from the PSU.
thanks though I'll do some homework. although im fairly certain im not going with the mx1044 IIRC its the most likely to give up easily with over voltages but its high time i went over the data sheets now
Cheers dude