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Well, my grandpa's workroom..

Started by davidnlsw, March 11, 2014, 11:47:47 PM

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My wife's grandpa recently passed away. He did tech work on radios during World War II, he designed the computers that run the public waterworks system in Des Moines, IA, was a huge amateur radio enthusiast, built his own color television back when no one had one, and was on the cutting edge of technology his entire life. He could fix or build pretty much anything.

Before I married into the family he had no one other than his old HAM radio buddies to talk to about his passion.

When he passed away his daughters asked me if I would like to look around in his workroom and take whatever I'd like. Grandpa Bob built his house himself in the 30's and lived there his entire life. 3 out of 4 rooms in his basement were his "workroom."

So today I went over and poked around for 3 or 4 hours.

I'm hoping that I can take some of what he had collected over the years and put it to good use.

This is what I found:


Sorry for your loss
Build something in his memory


Sorry for your loss. I work with seniors and I love talking shop with them and hear about how things worked "back in the day". I think LaceSensor hit the nail on the head when he said to build something in his honor.



Agree with Lace and Cody.  I bet he would be really happy to see you get enjoyment out of the same bits that he liked tinkering with.  Building something in his honor would be a great way to remember him.

Sorry for your loss.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Yeah, I think I'm going to try to find something that I can build with only parts I found in his shop (plus jacks, 3pdt, enclosure).


I agree with Lace 100%

Build something you know he would have enjoyed.

He sounds like guy who lived a full and interesting life.


sorry for ur loss mate!
you really got a gold mine over there :).
Yeah, you should definatly build a Grandpa moto pedal in his memory
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


My condolences to you and your family. Sounds like you are potentially somewhat of an electronics heir.

I had a similar experience. When I was first getting into this, one of my friends had an uncle pass away who was into robotics and other stuff. My friend was responsible to clean out the workshop. I ended up with a lot of neat tools, supplies, and storage through that. The best part is that every time I use any of that stuff, I think of the old dude, who I didn't even know, and I feel a sense of privilege. I deeply appreciate those tools.

I know that if you end up with any of your wife's grandfather's things, it will feel less like a score and more like carrying on a very cool legacy.

Those mics are amazing. If you end up with any, it would be great to hear some recordings through them.


I have some work drawers that I use that were built by my great grand-father.

He was a ship builder/worker in Glasgow.

On the back of the drawers there are blue-prints/drawing for ship turbine parts that he must have done.

Looking at them always makes me think of both of them (although I never knew my Great Grandfather).


It would be incredibly cool to build something in his honor. What a great shop full of the things we dream about  :)

I believe those Dales are mil-spec resistors = good stuff


Quote from: pryde on March 12, 2014, 04:44:44 PM
It would be incredibly cool to build something in his honor. What a great shop full of the things we dream about  :)

I believe those Dales are mil-spec resistors = good stuff

+1 on this! You have a load of stuff to make him proud, and then some! You really hit a treasure trove there man, that's so cool! My grandfather from fathers side was a ships carpenter, and I have a box full of his tools (all '50's vintage) that look really cool, but I really don't know what to do with them. Grandpa from moms side used to breed pigs, so no coolstuff there.....  ;) Enjoy that stash, and think of Bob when you build!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Old dudes like him are a thing of the past and the present and future are worse off as a result. What he saw and did along with his work ethic was the norm back then I'm afraid. What a treasure of knowledge. My father-in-law is similar. He is 77 now. Used to fix TV's, radio's etc...

Like others said, sorry for your loss.


Yep, those dales are good resistors, they're labeled with number so you need to read them like a cap.

Sorry for you loss.

Congratulations on the score.