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Sparkplug Overdrive

Started by PhiloB, March 01, 2014, 01:52:24 PM

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Build #2 from last night.  MB Sparkplug.  Tight fit in regards to depth.  Sounds great.  Look forward to playing with all the trimmers and knobs:)
It has been a real treat to work with a prefab board these last two pedals.


Looks great - did you finish with envirotex?


Nice, I just finished one of these myself. Need to get pics up soon. Really like this pedal.


Yes, just the top.  Had some trouble (my second enviro job).  Poured too much so I was constantly wiping the sides.  The painters tape I used to fill the holes gave way so it was seeping through to the inside of the box.  It was messy.  All that trouble and it still turned out ok.


Casssax, I really looking forward to spending some time with it.  Didn't finish it till midnight (hour past my bed time, I'm 40 now;).
Also, look forward to your build report


That turned out great.
Good look, good color, nice wiring.  I etch, but I still prefer using prefab boards.  Just more forgiving of mistakes.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman
